One Direction Partayyyy!

One Direction Partayyyy!
Ha, yeah right.

Tuesday, 2 July 2013

Voluntary Work

So these past few days, I have been doing voluntary work at the library; this- yes, the very spot that your eyes landed on (gasp!)- is where I'm going to keep a little diary of stuff. Yeaaahh.

1st day (Saturday 30th June 2013)- Voluntary went awesome; the hours flew by and I didn't want to go home.(Stamped my hand during lunch hour- ha.)
2nd day (Monday 1st July 2013)- Voluntary went pretty slow, not that many people. (Stamped my hand just casually whilst working. Cuz that's normal.)
3rd day (Today)- Oh. My. Lord. Someone save me. It's been so slow and I've been stuffing my face with Maoams (yum, but soooo unhealthy! I've gotten through five packets so far! Trying to lose weight here, gawwwd!-_-) But... bright side is there's no stamps on my hands. Yet.

Thursday, 27 June 2013


It's a great feeling, right? When it leaves you smiling every moment of every day. I think I've found it and I love it... Do you have something that makes you happy? If so, all I say is... cherish it because you never know when it may leave. I ask you all to listen to this song. It proves my point wholeheartedly.

Thursday, 20 June 2013


We all have them. Blasting loud music, coffee, biting nails... whatever it is, we all have an addiction. I guess they change depending on your life and I don't know about you but my current addiction is YouTube (and Ben and Jerry's-yum). What's yours?

Tuesday, 18 June 2013

The Reflection Murderer

I recently had a special request to post more poetry, which I took as a genuine compliment. So this is a recent poem I wrote called 'The Reflection Murderer'.

Screams and blood beneath the wood
She was buried here long ago
From hiding scars beneath a hood
She became The Girl No-One Wanted To Know
With nostalgia and dead memories
She digs a deeper grave
Not even given the necessities;
In blood and tears she bathes
I once thought her to be a friend
I once stared into her midnight eyes
A broken heart can always mend,
But a mirror never lies.

Saturday, 15 June 2013

Hey Guys

I know- I am officially a terrible blogger. But I have been super busy writing an album and trying to put a melody and harmony to each song. If anyone's interested, I shall post soundcloud links once I get a good sound on each. Anyway, how are you guys?
I notice that I have been getting a few comments (woo, there is still life out there :P) that are marked 'anonymous' which I understand is because people don't have a log-in? Something like that. But if you are one of the people that post a comment marked 'anonymous', could you maybe leave a name or initial or something so I know who it is commenting? Thanks <3 :)

Thursday, 21 March 2013

Roses Bloom, Traitors Die

Yes, I realise how long it has been. Yes, I have a reason. I've been busy, and just frankly didn't know what to post about. But I will tell you the latest interest- criminology; Jack the Ripper in particular.
Anyway, I'm going to post a poem- and if there are still people reading, please let me know ;D

This one is called 'Roses Bloom, Traitors Die'.

What do you know of consequence?
You could shoot and he'd be dead
Roses would bloom on the knives you carry
Around as if they are precious off-spring
But what would you care?
You could so easily just run to your gang,
Run 'til your little feet collapse beneath you
And your last breath, so adorably
Clogs up in your throat
D-d-didn'd I tell you?

Traitors die in the end.

Friday, 22 February 2013