One Direction Partayyyy!

One Direction Partayyyy!
Ha, yeah right.

Friday, 4 January 2013


They're fascinating things. In our minds, they go on for hours of either positivity or negativity when in reality, they last only a matter of minutes. Some remember, most are foggy about the details and some don't even remember at all. Just last night, I remember having a nightmare about cannibals- the fascinating thing is that I can't seem to remember certain things about the dream such as how it started or how I ended up where I did at mid-point.

When we wake up, our dreams don't end- those that remember go on thinking about that dream; editing parts and continuing parts to the point that it pushes out other thoughts. Even those that don't remember become strained in an attempt to recall the events.
 Sometimes, we even become paranoid about certain things that happen in our dreams- did this really happen? Is she really dead?  Am I being watched?

My question is why do dreams consume us so much- sometimes even more than reality? Why, if dreams are simply our subconscious minds at work, do we not understand them? Is their symbolism in dreams? Are we dreaming now?

Dreams- they're fascinating things.